Become A Friend
If you like what we’re doing, why not start the year by joining our Friends membership scheme. It’s just £15 annually. We are very grateful to volunteer Shirley Harry, our new Friends’ Administrator who is keeping this much needed scheme up and running. For more details see HERE or contact

Volunteer With Us
We always need volunteers to help with events, keeping our social media up to date, photographing our activities or transcribing and digitising our archive material. If you can help please get in touch.

Ink Cartridge Recycling Scheme
Please do consider donating your empty ink cartridges.
The way this scheme works has changed! Please note that after the end of 2020, Recycle for Charity will no longer accept the pre paid envelopes. Instead, you can arrange for a pre paid label directly with the company – you can still select the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust as your chosen charity and instead of £1 per cartridge, we can get as much as £2 so we urge you to continue using this scheme. There is a minimum number of cartridges you can send in order to qualify for a free postage label though this generally equates to 2-3 cartridges. Alternatively, if you are local, please feel free to leave your empty cartridges for us via Red Gables. Every little helps – both the Trust and the environment. For more information about this scheme, please see