EATMT Events 2022
Thwarted Traditional Music Day – 10th September 2022
Follow the links to the planned Traditional Music Day for Saturday 2nd September 2023.
FolkEast 19th-21st August 2022

Come and join us at this lovely weekend festival. We will be running a stall, a FolkEast Stepdance event with a stepdance workshop on Friday and Saturday and the FolkEast Stepdance competition on Sunday afternoon in the dance tent after the afternoon ceilidh. We will also be organising an illustrated talk about Vaughan Williams Folk Song Collecting and if you are aged 11- 18yrs, look out for the Vaughan Williams workshop as part of the Youth Moot programme which will be run by Finn Collinson and Emma Beach on the Friday afternoon.
Report here
Stepdance Day – Sunday 24th July 2022
Chippenham Village Hall, Cambridgeshire

We’ll be taking over Chippenham Village Hall in Cambridgeshire for this event. You can visit the Tharp Arms nearby for refreshments and we will be offering teas/coffees & cake from the village hall between 12 and 4pm.
The event starts with a 12.15 Stepdance Workshop with Fiona Davies with musical accompaniment from fiddler James Delarre.
At 1.15 we will be hosting a workshop for musicians – there will be an opportunity to learn some of the usual tunes used for stepdancing and a chance to hear what stepdancers look for in their musical accompaniment.
The competitions start at 2.15:
The Steve Monk Memorial Competition – open to all – free choice of music and musician;
The Font Whatling Trophy – this competition is open to traditional stepdancers – hard soled shoes only – no tap or blakeys- permitted. Dancing is to one set musician and to the two tunes: Hornpipe Pigeon on the Gate and Polka Old Joe.
The Percy West Plate is awarded to a stepdancer selected by Percy’s widow, Doreen and is presented to a dancer who she feels has made a particularly noticeable contribution to stepdancing over the year – in this case, over the last couple of years.
For a history of this day of Stepdance see HERE.
For a report of this 2022 event see HERE
Traditional Music & Stepdancing at Strumpshaw Tree Fair led by Hushwing and Friends – Saturday 16th July 2022

We are delighted to have Chris Holderness organising another visit to the wonderful Strumpshaw Tree Fair on Saturday 16th July for a show of traditional music and stepdancing hosted by Hushwing & Friends.
There will be two slots during the day – one by the gypsy wagons shortly after 12 noon and the other in the dance tent 4pm.
On the Sunday, we have organised for Two’s Company to entertain the lovely crowds at the Fair. Ted and Penny are a husband and wife duo from Wroxham, Norfolk, who perform Celtic and traditional folk songs arranged for voice, cello, guitar, mandolin and folk whistle
You can hear “Two’s Company” on Sunday 17th from 2pm.
You can see a short report plus photos and video taken of the Norfolk musicians from Saturday 16th July HERE. Catch them again at Traditional Music Day in the Walnut pub on Saturday 10th September in Stowmarket.
More Than Melodeons – 28th May 2022

For a report on this event see HERE
Traditional Music Cafe – 22nd March 2022
Join us at Stradbroke Community Centre for our 2nd Traditional Music Cafe on Tuesday 22nd March from 2pm where we are delighted to be joined by musicians Ron & Pam Ross and Shirley Harry. There will be an opportunity to try out our dancing jig dolls, have a go at the spoons or playing a squeezebox and then enjoy a short afternoon concert. Refreshments will be available. Please reserve your free place via Eventbrite, by emailing or ringing us on 07495 054669.

For a report on this event see HERE.
Music, Book and Instrument Sale – Saturday 12th March 1-4pm, STOWMARKET
After our successful sale in September, we will be holding another in the spring. If you have an instrument you would like us to sell on your behalf we will be happy to do this for you. Do get in touch PRIOR to the event if so – or ring 07495 054669. For a listing of instruments for sale see HERE.

Traditional Music Cafe – 10th March 2022
We will be bringing a pop up Traditional Music Cafe to Mid and West Suffolk in March 2022 (10th March and 22nd March) as part of a Suffolk County Council funded project specifically aimed at enabling Cultural organisations to continue in these difficult times. For more details about the project visit HERE. Both Cafes run from 2pm – 4pm and entry is free. Refreshments will be available.
Join us at Brandon Library on Thursday 10th March from 2pm where we are delighted to be joined by musicians Erin Brown and James Delarre. There will be an opportunity to try out our dancing jig dolls, have a go at broom dancing or playing a squeezebox and then enjoy a short afternoon concert. Refreshments will be available. Please reserve your free place via Eventbrite, by emailing or ringing us on 07495 054669.
For a report on this event please see HERE