An Afternoon of Music, Song & Dance – Yaxley, 2nd April 2023

Stepdancing with Eammon, Robert, Dominic, Doreen & Sue

In March 2022 life was at last beginning to return to normal. EATMT decided that to encourage people to begin to socialise again we would organise two pop up Traditional Music Cafes. Thanks to funding from Suffolk Coucil Council’s Covid Continuity Fund for Culture, these two events took place and were well supported.

As these two events proved successful we decided to organise another such event which took place on 2nd April at Yaxley Village Hall. Funding for this event came from the locality budget of local Councillor Jessica Fleming for which we are extremely grateful. This donation thus allowed us to waiver any entry charges.

Peter Everson
Robert Hunt
Eric Baker

One of our volunteers, Jan, took on the task of organising this event. She managed to bring together a wealth of local musicians, singers, step dancers and jig doll enthusiasts. Shirley Harry’s compering skills smoothly led us from one performance to another and we were treated to a wonderful mix of entertainment including solo stepdancing, unaccompanied and accompanied songs, stories, monologues, music and even broom dancing. The audience were invited to join in with singing and dancing jig dolls.

Alex and her daughters provided guests with an array of tasty cakes, while other volunteers kept busy making teas and coffees and washing up. 

Through website and parish magazine advertising we attracted a huge audience, for many of whom it proved to be a first introduction to East Anglian Traditional Music. Amongst all the new faces we were pleased to welcome so many of our old faithful friends too.

Jig Dolls a plenty!

We are very grateful for all the donations we received which we will be keeping in the pot to organise another such event.  At the moment Jan is working on a plan with Shirley and Doreen West for this to happen in October/November, so keep your eyes on our Newsletter for further details.

Gwyn Thomas
Ray Hubbard

We wish to offer a huge thanks to all those who took part in the afternoon, and those who volunteered their help with the organisation, and to the caretakers of Yaxley Village Hall who went out of their offer advice in the planning and assistance on the day.

This event was made possible thanks to Suffolk County Council & Cllr Fleming’s Locality Budget funding