We’ve got such a lot of news to bring you – reports of what has happened and details of things about to happen so we have decided to issue a series of Spring e-newsletters in the coming weeks of April 2022. We send out over 1200 e-newsletters each time thanks to the Mailchimp platform and about 140 people who don’t have access to the internet receive our news in the post. Spare a thought for these supporters – they will be bombarded with our news all in one hit on account of rising postage costs.
So in the Spring Newsletter 1 we bring you the exciting news that bookings are now open for our day of workshops – More than Melodeons – which will take place in the heart of the beautiful Suffolk countryside at Wingfield Barns. We welcome Dave Shepherd, Jack Hogsden, Janet Koralambe, Sally Barrett, Andrew Collins, Jill Parson and Mim Barnes as tutors for the day which offer workshops in a multitude of instruments including the voice. In addition, expect sessions, a small music market and an evening tutor concert.
For full details of the day see HERE. The booking forms are also on this page or you can find them below:
We are delighted to have the support of Andrews Survey and Evaluation Ltd, Acorn Instruments and Mid Suffolk District Council.