Garboldisham Village Hall, Sunday 17th November 2024
EATMT stepped into Norfolk for our fourth Sunday Afternoon of Music, Song and Dance and the village of Garboldisham. One again, co-ordinated by volunteer Jan Robinson and MCd by Shirley Harry, we welcomed around 100 visitors to this Sunday afternoon event.

Around 1/3rd of the audience joined us for the first time – 3 of whom bravely took to the floor for a song! They were all warmly welcomed into the fold – some had travelled considerable distance for which we are extremely grateful and a good number signed up to receive more information about the Trust.

We were joined by our soon-to-be Operations Manager, Jannine Parry and some of her family where she was introduced to the audience.

One Row Records run by Mossy Christian and Megan Wisdom set up a stall with CDs and Books (including Megan’s new book Handmade Music – Suffolk Voices from the John Howson Collection). Linda and Rita once again ably ran the kitchen – where hot beverages, cakes and biscuits were offered. Thank you ladies! We ran a successful raffle and people gave generously upon arrival – all of this goes back into the Trust coffers and enables us to put on more events. Thanks too go to Michael Czarnobaj, Doreen West and Andy Bull who arrived early to help set up and clear away.
Follow this link for a short video of our stepdancing finale for the afternoon:

Today’s event was the first of two planned events for Garboldisham, Norfolk, this financial year and we are extremely grateful to the Norfolk Community Foundation and the Sheila Ann Day Fund for enabling this event to go ahead. It means all donations made on the day go straight back into the Trust. It is the 5th event of the financial year and the final event of 2024. As well as events, we run a Friends’ Membership scheme, we have a bank of instruments which we hire out across the country, we run projects and we publish books – the latest of which is due out very shortly – a 2nd edition of the most popular EATMT publication Blyth Voices.

Our volunteers are invaluable and we are as ever extremely grateful to them as well as to those who turned up and supported the event. See you at the next one!