Our lovely friends at the Burwell Bash are looking to fill 10 Youth (14-25) places at this year’s Summer School Bash. They are delighted to have been gifted another 2 youth spaces for their summer school which runs this year from 29th July to 2nd August which means, along with EATMT’s Gordon Ruddock 2 Bursaries for East Anglian based young traditional/folk musicians, 4 young promising musicians will be given funding to join this popular and well established Summer School in Cambridgeshire.

For more details about this year’s Summer School and in particular these Youth places, contact contact@burwellbash.info. For details about the Gordon Ruddock Bursaries visit HERE.
Tickets for this popular event which is attended by musicians from around the globe go on sale just before the stroke of midnight on Friday 9th February 2024. Spaces are snapped up almost as quickly as Glastonbury tickets – you have been warned!