Eammon Andrews is a singer and banjo player who dances with Old School Rapper and Old Glory Molly. I interviewed him and his wife, Judy, in July 2020 at Wingfield Barns. For more information on Wingfield Barns, a beautiful arts venue centred around a restored timber framed barn, visit https://www.wingfieldbarns.com/.

COVID-19 at Wingfield Barns
NB: These recordings were made in July 2020 during the COVID-19 period. They were undertaken with social distancing measures in place according to government guidelines.
A summary of the interview can be downloaded above.
Interview keywords: folk music, song, singing, dance, morris, Golden Star, Norwich, Cotswold Morris, social dance, Fressingfield, pop music, rock, progressive rock, punk, 1970s, Top of the Pops, radio, pub, Fressingfield Swan, John Peel, Andy Kershaw, world music, Cambridge Folk Festival, local, local music, local events, folk session, pub session, social music, tradition, traditional music, Old Glory Molly, Old School Rapper, company, friends, song collecting, collectors, EATMT, FolkEast
- Title: The Irish Jolting Car
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 13464
- Notes: this song is together in the Roud index with a broadside by the name of Dublin Carman (https://www.vwml.org/search?view=search&q=rn13464) although this version is attributed to Wilson Crean (copyright 1952) with the title My Irish Jaunting Car. The tune, however seems to be older, see: http://search.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=7080 and https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=17359.
- Title: The Nutting Girl
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 509
- Notes: A Suffolk favourite, collected many times from Cyril Poacher. Eammon sings a version recorded from Tony Harvey. https://mainlynorfolk.info/guvnor/songs/thenuttinggirl.html
- Title: Down in the Fields where the Buttercups All Grow
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 1736
- Notes: This song has also been collected outside Suffolk and was probably popularised by a recording made by Charlie Higgins in 1931, see: http://glostrad.com/down-in-the-fircups-all-grow/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRKg_XnPyTQ for Charlie Higgins.
- Title: The Tailor’s Breeches
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 1610
- Notes: see https://mainlynorfolk.info/danny.spooner/songs/thetailorsbreeches.html.
- Title: Green Brooms
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 379
- Notes: the earliest known text for this song appears in Thomas D’Urfy’s Pills to Purge Melancholy in 1720: https://mainlynorfolk.info/watersons/songs/greenbroom.html.
- Title: The Lawyer and the Fair Maid
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 922
- Notes: see https://mainlynorfolk.info/shirley.collins/songs/mowingthebarley.html.
- Title: When it’s Lamplighting Time in the Valley
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Composer: Herald Goodman
- Notes: an American country standard written by Herald Goodman and recorded by The Vagabonds in the 1930s: https://www.mustrad.org.uk/articles/poacher.htm.
- Title: Hail the Dewy Morning
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 11 (Child 112)
- Notes: Several versions of this ballad have been collected in England and Scotland: https://mainlynorfolk.info/eliza.carthy/songs/thebaffledknight.html
- Title: Jolly Fine Fellows that Follow the Plough
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 346
- Notes: see https://mainlynorfolk.info/watersons/songs/theploughboy.html
- Title: William Rufus
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 2038
- Notes: Eammon learned this from a recording of Roy Last. Andy Turner includes a detailed entry on this version of William Rufus in his A Folk Song a Week project, giving more information on the story and other versions of the song: https://afolksongaweek.wordpress.com/2014/11/23/week-170-william-rufus/
- Title: There’s Bound to be a Row
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 1616
- Notes: This song is also sung to the tune of Star of the Couunty Down and its origins are often attributed to Scottish music hall. See https://www.springthyme.co.uk/ah08/ah08_06.html and https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=24110.
- Title: The Jolly Waggoners
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 1088
- Notes: see https://mainlynorfolk.info/watersons/songs/thejollywaggoners.html.
- Title: The Herring’s Head
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 128
- Notes: versions of this song have been collected all over England. See https://mainlynorfolk.info/cyril.tawney/songs/theherringshead.html.
- Title: Man all Tattered and Torn
- Performer: Eammon Andrews
- Date recorded: 9.7.2020
- Location: Wingfield Barns, Suffolk
- Recorded by: Megan Wisdom
- Roud No: 1407
- Notes: see https://www.vwml.org/search?view=search&q=rn1407 for more versions.