We are delighted to announce that EATMT are partnering with the Burwell Bash for this year’s online summer folk music school.
2021 sees the Burwell Bash folk music summer school celebrating 30 years. Burwell House in Cambridgeshire has for these 30 years been the home to the summer camp and is the usual partner for this popular event. The admin staff at Burwell House are still furloughed and so the decision has been taken to run the 2021 event as an online summer school from Tuesday 27th through to Thursday 29th July 2021. EATMT have agreed to partner the Bash to enable this event to go ahead in this way.
The artistic team at Burwell Bash is run by the 6 tutors and long term members of this well respected voluntary and community organisation.
Ed Boyd – guitar
Tola Custy – fiddle
Andy Cutting – melodeon
Brian Finnegan – Irish flute and whistle
Catherine Mann – Irish flute and whistle
Jock Tyldesley – fiddle
In usual years the 70+ spaces on offer are snapped up within 24 hours of booking opening, so this year, eager musicians won’t be disappointed.
From a financial point of view, this event started with no available funds to get the course up and running. To overcome this, the Burwell Bash team created a Support Us page. By making a donation (recommended £60-£80 for a full 3 day summer school) to the Burwell Bash donators received an automatic invitation to join the summer school.
In June 2021 we were delighted to reach our financial target to enable the plans to go ahead. Incredibly, this summer school has attracted people from over 40 countries worldwide! There will be 3 full days of workshops, an evening quiz, interviews with the tutors and a tutors’ concert on the Thursday evening and three evenings of The Big Sessions.
Communication about the technical side of the event has now been conveyed to all attendees and the Bash Admin Team will remain in touch over the coming weeks to ensure everyone is happy with the arrangements.

It’s not too late to get involved…
The Bash Team are offering the chance to dip in to Wednesday 28th July’s Q&A session at 8pm with the tutors with a suggested donation of £5 and you can also now sign up to view the Tutors’ Concert on Thursday 29th July at 8pm. Suggested donation for the concert is £5-£15. Make your donation HERE and drop an email to the Bash Team to let them know you’d like to attend.
In addition, to celebrate its 30 years, the Bash has produced a tunebook with over 100 tunes and this is available to buy HERE.
Any donations made from hereon will be divided between EATMT and Burwell House in order to secure future “normal” summer schools.
For more details, visit www.burwellbash.info.

updated JULY 2021