Fox Yard Studio – TMD 2023

Fox Yard Studio, 6 Old Fox Yard, Stowmarket IP14 1AB


A quartet of Artists who are also musicians/dancers involved in the East Anglian Traditional Music Scene taking part in 2023’s Traditional Music Day in Stowmarket – Fiona Davies, Gemma Khawaja, Michael Sheehy and Karen Cater.

Come and see what they do in their “Day Jobs” at Fox Yard Studio – Stowmarket’s Art Gallery – from 1st-14th September. This is curated by the studio’s resident artist Kevina Badoye who cordially invites you to the opening night in Fox’s Yard from 7pm-9pm on Friday 1st September 2023.

FREE TO ATTEND EVENT – Please support your local artists & Art Gallery!

Fiona Davies
Gemma Khawaja
Michael Sheehy
Karen Cater