“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything†Plato
In these times of crisis EATMT are offering a temporary page for musicians who have links to traditional music and East Anglia who have had their CD launches temporarily thwarted.
If you think we can help promote your work during these self isolating days, please get in touch. We are still working and juggling but some things have slowed somewhat and there are an awful lot of you lovely musicians out there with tunes that need to be heard. Social media is doing a great job with musical interludes but we here are happy to do our bit via our website. We will update the page as often as we can. Please email info@eatmt.org.uk with your performing name, CD title, photo of CD cover, a couple of reviews if available, price and a link to where people can buy the CD. Even better if you can send a sound file of a tune.
The CD to kick this temporary page off is from Norfolk band Hushwing with their latest CD “Foundlings” which you can read about HERE

Our second CD to highlight is East Anglian band Alden, Patterson and Dashwood who’s third album “Waterbound” has just been released. You can read about here.
Disclaimer: We cannot promise to include every request but we will endeavour to do what we can. EATMT takes no responsibility for the content of any CD.