Courtesy of Peter Cousins, Norfolk
The News…
Lennie Whiting
We have just learned sad news of the death of our dear friend, Suffolk Stepdancer, Lennie Whiting, following a short illness. Please check our HOME page which will be updated with further news when we receive it.
New… Patron
We are delighted to welcome co-founder and original EATMT director Katie Howson as a new EATMT Patron. She joins our long-term patrons Gloria Buckley MBE, Lesley Dolphin and Mark Murphy.
New… Jig Dolls for Sale
From a chance conversation overheard in our 2022 pop-up stall at fab festival FolkEast, 10 beautifully crafted, ‘Trusty’ Jig Dolls are all lined up and ready to put on their dancing shoes.
Made of unpainted oak, so you are free to design, decorate and give them the character of your own choosing, each doll comes with the all-important stick that fits into their back, their own board to dance on and a how to sheet to hone your operational skills.
Huge thanks go to Peter Cousins for crafting these ‘Trusty’ new friends especially for us to share, after several years of making them exclusively for his family and friends.
Ideal gifts for folk of all ages. A must-have accessory for anyone keen to share their passion for a jolly time at sessions. Look out for them at the EATMT shop at events this year, priced just £45 each.
Limited numbers, but unlimited future fun. What a bargain!
New…TMD Working Party

In advance of all the invaluable help we receive from our ‘on the day’ team of volunteers, we have grown our small EATMT working party to a 13-strong team to help bring the different strands of this action-packed event together. Peter Booth, George Monger, Stephen Atkinson and Lindsay Want join Alan Bearman, Alex Bartholomew, Shirley Harry, Sue Lawrence, Dave Evans, Fiona Davies, Nicky Stockman, Jan Robinson and Nina Truin in bringing Traditional Music Day back to the town on Saturday 2nd September 2023.
Traditional Music Day 2023 – Latest News – View the latest Line Up HERE
Expect Music, Song, Dance, Storytelling and Talks across Stowmarket! There will be lots of free events including chances to have a go at dance, joining in sessions, trying out traditional ‘folk’ instruments as well as lots of ticketed concerts and talks running throughout the day and into the evening.
Review: Plough Monday
Friend Tribute: Barrie Askew
Friend Tribute: Bernard Hawkins
New regular Suffolk event: Accessible Ceilidh
New Book: Where Are The Fellows Who Cut The Hay?
Have some news to share? Article contributions welcome. Do get in touch: info@eatmt.org.uk.
New…Free Training in Podcast and Film Making
Learn how to make effective sound bites and video snippets for social media success
Saturday 29th April – 10am-12pm with Jake Lee-Savage – Red Gables, Stowmarket
*limited places
*FREE course
See HERE for more details

Join Fiona Davies and Chris Holderness showcasing Norfolk Stepdancing & tunes. Check out Jake Lee-Savage‘s wonderful podcast on this very special fair. Listen HERE

Join EATMT @FolkEast this summer.
Throughout – Stand, shop & have-a-go instruments in the Instrumental Area.
Friday 18th August – Vaughan Williams’™ Folk Project Showcase Concert I
Sunday 20th August – Stepdance workshop & FolkEast’s 3rd Stepdance Competition led by Fiona Davies.

Tickets on sale JULY 2023.
The first release of line up artists is available to view HERE. We will be adding to this over the Spring and Summer months with tickets on sale from July 2023.
Interested in other regional events? Find out more HERE
Vaughan Williams’ Folk

Half way through this exciting and action-packed project and our webpages are filling up fast! Of course, it’s all work in progress, so do keep checking in to see the latest nuggets of news.
Don’t miss:
Vaughan Williams in the East Conference Talks 2023 I VIEW HERE
Our Showcase Young Musicians THEIR JOURNEY SO FAR
The recordings of the talks made at our Vaughan Williams in the East Conference can now be viewed HERE
Discover more about the Showcase musicians’ first Mentoring Day of Workshops with Finn Collinson, Emma Beach and special guest tutor musician Kate Griffin, through a podcast made by Jake Lee-Savage. Their individual biographies have already been shared on our Facebook page (@EastTrust). Continuing to meet digitally over the following months, our young musicians will team up again in person for a July weekend of playing together and sharing ideas before the Showcase Concerts at FolkEast and Traditional Music Day 2023.
Coming soon Films and audio footage of other EATMT folk song work across the Eastern Region in schools and communities (to be completed by June/ July). The enthusiasm of different groups keen to be involved has been overwhelming and we can’t wait to share!
Support EATMT
You can support the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust in a number of ways:
VOLUNTEER at events or in the office
BECOME A FRIEND through our Friends’ Membership Scheme
SHOP for our publications
As ever, thanks go to the regular team of volunteers who provide a variety of support to EATMT. We’re delighted to welcome new members into the volunteer team over the last few months – we are really grateful to everyone who steps in and up to the challenges!
We are also grateful to the following regular funders for helping us run events and projects: