Statement on Public Benefit

Statement on Public Benefit

The objectives, and review of achievements and performance sections of this report clearly set out the activities which EATMT undertakes for public benefit.  The Trustees confirm that they have complied with the duty in Section 4 of the Charities Act 2006 to have due regard to the public benefit guidance published by the Commission in determining the activities undertaken by the Charity.

Reserves Policy

In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the threat posed to small charities, the Trustees replaced their old Reserves Policy at their AGM on 8th October 2020 with the following:

  1. The General Reserve should be built up to a level which would finance a reasonable period in which to run down the organisation’s operations in the event of a major loss of income. In the current circumstances the Trustees believe this reserve should be £15k, which would allow the Charity to operate at a basic level for a year.
  2. There should also be a Development Reserve to allow future activities to be resourced or provide matching resources for potential grant applications. This should be at least £10k
  3. Restricted Reserves will be consequent upon funding for projects lasting more than one year.
  4. That the level of all Reserves should be reviewed in line with this policy on an annual basis.

Review date:  Policy Reviewed October 2022.

Next review due October 2023.
