Royal British Legion – Concerts
All ticketed events
11.00am-12.00pm Ray Hubbard

Credit Archant Newspapers
The legendary Suffolk Horseman and traditional musician tells tales from his long and entertaining career.
12.30pm-1.30pm Ballad of Essex and Beyond
Potiphar’s Apprentices
Named after Charles Potiphar who sang ‘The Sheffield Apprentice’ to Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1903, they sing songs from the 17th Century to the present day, collected in and around Essex which are from their latest CD ‘Ballad of Essex’.

Potiphar’s Apprentices
2.00pm-2.45pm – Meet Belinda Kempster & Fran Foote

English County Songs from Essex introduced by Mike Norris
3.15pm-4.45 – Afternoon Concert

Join Liz Giddings & Roger Digby, Peta Webb & Ken Hall and Mr Walsh’s Wonders. Introduced by Shirley Harry
5.15pm-6.00pm – Dan Quinn & Mike Bettison
7.30pm Evening Concert
An informal concert with Belinda Kempster & Fran Foote, RackerJacq, Michael Sheehy, Harbour Lights Trio and Gemma Khawaja. Hosted by Peta Webb and Ken Hall (Evening ticketed event)